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I AM ABUNDANT-21-Day Money Manifestation Journey!


Do any of the following sound like you?

-You're finally ready to open up the floodgates of abundance.

-You're not sure what's holding you back from attracting more.

-Scarcity and lack mindset is running the show!

-You wonder why others seem to reach financial freedom and you can't.

-You've tried to manifest money before but haven't had luck.

If any of these sound like you, you're in the right place!

This program was designed to reprogram all of you fears, doubts and limiting beliefs about money on a deep subconscious level so that you can FINALLY start manifesting the money that you desire and deserve!

I'm ready, sign me up!

Here's how the program works...


1. There are a total of 7 unique hypnosis recordings related to manifesting money. Over the 21 day period you will listen to each recording 3 times to lock it in on the subconscious level.

2. There are also 21 money manifesting hacks you will implement each day. 

3. This program will provide you a structure to stay consistent-the subconscious mind needs repetition to reprogram!

4. You'll have lifetime access to this program! 

Check out what people are saying about the program...

Meet Your Instructor...

Hello! My name is Jon and I am a Manifestation & Mindset Coach. 

I'm here to help you release the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of you stepping into the highest most authentic, most abundant version of yourself so that you can manifest the life you desire and you deserve!

I used to be extremely depressed, anxious, and lacking direction or purpose. I was working “9-5” jobs that were unfulfilling, living paycheck-to-paycheck, and was thousands of dollars in debt. I was unhappy and I was broke.

Hitting rock bottom put me on a healing path that sparked my awakening and introduced me to Manifestation.

It transformed my life and I have since become an expert at conscious creation. 

Using subconscious reprogramming tools I went from thousands of dollars in debt to running a multiple 6-Figure Business all within a year.

Now I want to help you to do the same. 

Jon is a Board Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), TIME Techniques, Life & Success Coaching, Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), NeuroBreathwork Practitioner, Reiki Level II Practitioner, and Soundhealing Practitioner.


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This IS the sign you've been waiting for!

If you're ready to FINALLY attract money on a continuous basis, then this 21 day program is for you!

I Am Abundant 21 Day Manifestation Journey


What You'll Get...

  • 7 unique hypnosis recordings
  • 21 money manifestation tips
  • Lifetime Access 
  • An abundance mindset

PLUS 3 Amazing Bonuses!

BONUS 1: Pre recorded Kickoff call with Jon

BONUS 2: Pre recorded Celebration Call

BONUS 3: EFT Tapping for Abundance

I'm Ready!